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Country Term Full Form | Definition | Meaning Main Category // Subcategory
Worldwide SONAR SOund Navigation And Ranging Technology // Tech Terms
United States SONAR Statement Of Need And Reasonableness Governmental // Law & Legal
Worldwide SONET Synchronous Optical Network Computing // Networking
Worldwide SONET Synchronous Optical Network Computing // Networking
United States SONGS San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station Regional // Buildings & Landmarks
United States SONGS San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station Regional // Buildings & Landmarks
Worldwide SONOGRAM Sounds Of Nahshid Originate Good Rhymes And Music News & Entertainment // Music
Worldwide Sonogram from Latin sonus (sound) + gram (written character, that which is drawn) Technology // Medical
Worldwide Sonogram from Latin sonus (sound) + gram (written character, that which is drawn) Technology // Medical
Worldwide Sony from the Latin word ?sonus? meaning sound Business // Companies & Corporations
Worldwide SOP Standard Operating Procedure Business // Business Terms
Worldwide SOP Standard Operating Procedure Business // Business Terms
Worldwide SOP Sum of Products Academic & Science // Mathematics
United States SOP Moore County Airport Transport & Travel // Airport Codes
Worldwide SOP Statement Of Purpose Academic & Science // Universities & Institutions
Worldwide SOP Secondary Oxygen Pack Technology // Tech Terms
Worldwide SOP Same Origin Policy Computing // Security
South Africa SOPA Socialist Party of Azania Governmental // Politics
Worldwide SOPA Synchronous Orbit Particle Analyzer Academic & Science // Astronomy & Space Science
United States SOPA Schedule of Proposed Actions News & Entertainment // Journals & Publications