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Country Term Full Form | Definition | Meaning Main Category // Subcategory
Worldwide SME Sony Music Entertainment Business // Companies & Corporations
Worldwide SME Small and Medium Enterprises Business // Business Terms
Worldwide SME Small to Medium Enterprise (SME) Server Computing // Software & Applications
Worldwide SME Small and Medium Enterprises Business // Business Terms
China SME Socialist Market Economy Governmental // Policies & Programs
United States SME Lake Cumberland Regional Airport Transport & Travel // Airport Codes
Worldwide SME Solar Mesosphere Explorer Academic & Science // Astronomy & Space Science
United States SME Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration Associations & Organizations // Trade Associations
Worldwide SME Situational Method Engineering Computing // Programming & Development
United States SMH Studio Museum in Harlem Regional // Buildings & Landmarks
Worldwide SMH Somatic Marker Hypothesis Medical // Psychology
United States SMH Sarasota Memorial Hospital Medical // Hospitals
United States SMH Scotland Memorial Hospital Medical // Hospitals
United States SMH Sound Mental Health Associations & Organizations // Medical Organizations
Canada SMH St. Michael?s Hospital Medical // Hospitals
United States SMH Scripps Mercy Hospital Medical // Hospitals
Australia SMH Sydney Morning Herald News & Entertainment // News
United States SMH St. Mary?s Hospital Medical // Hospitals
United States SMH Strong Memorial Hospital Medical // Hospitals
Worldwide SMH Shake My Head Miscellaneous // Chat & Messaging