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Country Term Full Form | Definition | Meaning Main Category // Subcategory
Worldwide S&P Standards & Practices News & Entertainment // TV & Radio
Worldwide S&P Standard & Poor?s Business // Companies & Corporations
Worldwide S&T Surf and Turf Society & Culture // Food & Drink
Worldwide S&T Sales and Trading Business // Banking
Worldwide S&T Supply & Transport Governmental // Military
Worldwide S&T Signal and Telegraph Transport & Travel // Rail Transport
Worldwide S&T Science and Technology Technology // Tech Terms
Worldwide S&T Science and Technology Technology // Tech Terms
Worldwide S-Video Separate Video Technology // Display & Graphics
Worldwide S-Video Separate Video Technology // Display & Graphics
Worldwide S/N Serial Number Business // Business Terms
Worldwide S/N Serial Number Business // Business Terms
Worldwide S/N Signal-to-Noise Academic & Science // Economics
Worldwide S/N Supernatant Academic & Science // Chemistry
Worldwide S/O Sold-Out Business // Business Terms
Worldwide S/O Significant Other Miscellaneous // Chat & Messaging
Worldwide S/o Son of Academic & Science // Language & Linguistics
Worldwide S/O Shout-Out Miscellaneous // Chat & Messaging
Worldwide S/O Security Officer Business // Job Titles
Worldwide S/o Son of Academic & Science // Language & Linguistics