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Definition : Societe de Transport de Laval French
[Laval Transportation Company]
Category : Transport & Travel // Land Transport
Country/Region : Canada
Country Term Full Form | Definition | Meaning Main Category // Subcategory
Worldwide STL Sacrae Theologiae Licentiatus Latin Academic & Science // Academic Degrees
Worldwide STL Spurious Trip Level Technology // Tech Terms
Worldwide STL Short-circuit Testing Liaison Associations & Organizations // Professional Associations
Worldwide STL Standard Template Library Computing // Programming & Development
Worldwide STL STereoLithography Computing // File Extensions
Worldwide STL Senior Team Leader Business // Job Titles
Worldwide STL Standard Template Library Computing // Programming & Development
Worldwide STL Statement List Computing // Programming Languages
Worldwide STL Sound Transmission Loss Technology // Tech Terms
Worldwide STL Studio Transmitter Link Technology // Communication
United States STL St. Louis Lambert International Airport Transport & Travel // Airport Codes
United Kingdom STL Southall Transport & Travel // Railway Station Codes
United Kingdom STL Send the Light Business // Companies & Corporations
United Kingdom STL Standard Telecommunication Laboratories Academic & Science // Research & Development
Timor-leste STL Suara Timor Lorosae Indonesian News & Entertainment // News
Norway STL Samarbeidsradet for Tros- og Livssynssamfunn Norwegian Associations & Organizations // Regional Organizations
Lebanon STL Special Tribunal for Lebanon Governmental // Law & Legal
India STL Simultala Transport & Travel // IRCTC Station Codes
India STL Sterlite Technologies Limited Business // Companies & Corporations
Canada STL Societe de Transport de Laval French Transport & Travel // Land Transport
Canada STL Societe de Transport de Levis French Transport & Travel // Land Transport