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Definition : Systeme de Traitement des Infractions Constatees French
[System for Processing Recorded Offenses]
Category : Governmental // Police
Country/Region : France
Country Term Full Form | Definition | Meaning Main Category // Subcategory
Worldwide STIC Serous Tubal Intraepithelial Carcinoma Medical // Diseases & Conditions
Worldwide STIC Serous Tubal Intraepithelial Carcinoma Medical // Diseases & Conditions
Worldwide STIC Student Teacher Interaction Council Associations & Organizations // Educational Organizations
Worldwide STIC Sciences et Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication French Academic & Science // Courses
United States STIC Statewide Terrorism Intelligence Center Governmental // Departments & Agencies
India STIC Sophisticated Test and Instrumentation Centre Academic & Science // Research & Development
France STIC Systeme de Traitement des Infractions Constatees French Governmental // Police