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Definition : Split
Category : Transport & Travel // License Plates
Country/Region : Croatia
Country Term Full Form | Definition | Meaning Main Category // Subcategory
Worldwide ST Straight Tip Technology // Communication
Worldwide ST Surface Temperature Academic & Science // Units
Worldwide St Street Transport & Travel // Roads & Highways
Worldwide St Street Transport & Travel // Roads & Highways
Worldwide ST Short Ton Academic & Science // Units
Worldwide St Saint Society & Culture // Religion & Spirituality
Worldwide st sine tempore Latin Academic & Science // Universities & Institutions
Worldwide St Street Transport & Travel // Roads & Highways
United States ST Student Transportation Inc. Business // Companies & Corporations
United Kingdom ST Stoke-on-Trent Regional // Postal
Singapore ST Straits Times News & Entertainment // News
Sao Tome And Principe st Sao Tome and Principe (TLD) Computing // Domain Names (TLD)
Sao Tome And Principe ST Sao Tome and Principe Regional // Countries
India ST Scheduled Tribe Governmental // Policies & Programs
India ST Students? Ticket Transport & Travel // Land Transport
India ST Service Tax Governmental // Rules & Regulations
Germany ST Germania Transport & Travel // Airline Codes
Croatia ST Split Transport & Travel // License Plates