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Definition : Blue Line
Category : Transport & Travel // Airline Codes
Country/Region : France
Country Term Full Form | Definition | Meaning Main Category // Subcategory
Worldwide BLE BiLingual Education Academic & Science // Courses
Worldwide BLE Broker Listing Exchange Business // Business Terms
Worldwide BLE Bluetooth Low Energy Technology // Communication
Worldwide BLE Bright Line Eating Medical // Healthcare
Worldwide BLE Bluetooth Low Energy Technology // Communication
Worldwide BLE Basic Logic Element Academic & Science // Electronics
United States BLE Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers Associations & Organizations // Trade Unions
Sweden BLE Borlange Dala Airport Transport & Travel // Airport Codes
Germany BLE Braunschweigische Landes-Eisenbahn German Transport & Travel // Rail Transport
France BLE Blue Line Transport & Travel // Airline Codes
France BLE Bulletin de Litterature Ecclesiastique French News & Entertainment // Journals & Publications