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Definition : Bundesverband der deutschen Gas und Wasserwirtschaft German
[Federal Association of the German Gas and Water Industry]
Category : Associations & Organizations // Regional Organizations
Country/Region : Germany
Country Term Full Form | Definition | Meaning Main Category // Subcategory
Worldwide BGW Blue Gene Watson Computing // General Computing
United States BGW Brian Gary Wachner Business // Companies & Corporations
United States BGW Busch Gardens Williamsburg Regional // Buildings & Landmarks
Malaysia BGW Bala Ganapathi William Society & Culture // Celebrities & Famous
Iraq BGW Baghdad International Airport Transport & Travel // Airport Codes
Iraq BGW Baghdad International Airport Transport & Travel // Airport Codes
Germany BGW Bundesverband der deutschen Gas- und Wasserwirtschaft German Associations & Organizations // Regional Organizations
Germany BGW Berufsgenossenschaft fur Gesundheitsdienst und Wohlfahrtspflege German Business // Companies & Corporations
Germany BGW Bahngesellschaft Waldhof German Transport & Travel // Rail Transport