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Definition :
Category : //
Country/Region :
Country Term Full Form | Definition | Meaning Main Category // Subcategory
Worldwide BF Blood Flow Medical // Anatomy & Physiology
Worldwide BF Behavioral Finance Business // Finance
Worldwide BF Best Friend/Boyfriend Miscellaneous // Chat & Messaging
Burkina Faso BF Burkina Faso Regional // Countries
Burkina Faso bf Burkina Faso (TLD) Computing // Domain Names (TLD)
Burkina Faso BF Burkina Faso Regional // Countries


The full form of BF is Blood Flow in Medical (Worldwide).

The full form of BF is Behavioral Finance in Business (Worldwide).

The full form of BF is Best Friend/Boyfriend in Miscellaneous (Worldwide).

The full form of BF is Burkina Faso in Regional (Burkina Faso).