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Definition : Big Brother Brasil
Category : News & Entertainment // TV & Radio
Country/Region : Brazil
Country Term Full Form | Definition | Meaning Main Category // Subcategory
Worldwide BBB BlackBerry Bold Technology // Instruments & Devices
Worldwide BBB Blood?Brain Barrier Medical // Anatomy & Physiology
Worldwide BBB Before Breaking Bulk Transport & Travel // Shipping
Worldwide BBB Bundle Branch Block Medical // Diseases & Conditions
Worldwide BBB Baseball Bat Sports & Games // Baseball
Worldwide BBB Better Business Bureau Associations & Organizations // Trade Associations
Worldwide BBB Better Business Bureau Associations & Organizations // Trade Associations
Worldwide BBB Banker?s Blanket Bond Business // Banking
United States BBB Bed Bath & Beyond Business // Companies & Corporations
United States BBB Bikes Blues and Barbecue Sports & Games // Motorsports
United States BBB Birmingham Black Barons Sports & Games // Baseball
United States BBB Beta Beta Beta Associations & Organizations // Educational Organizations
United States BBB Boston Baked Beans Society & Culture // Food & Drink
United States BBB Burlington?Bristol Bridge Regional // Buildings & Landmarks
United Kingdom BBB Bollywood Brass Band News & Entertainment // Music
Philippines BBB Balintawak Beer Brewery Regional // Buildings & Landmarks
Papua New Guinea bbb Barai Regional // Language Codes
Japan BBB Black Blood Brothers News & Entertainment // Journals & Publications
Japan BBB Base Ball Bear News & Entertainment // Music
India BBB Band Baaja Baaraat News & Entertainment // Movies & Film
Germany BBB Bad Boys Blue News & Entertainment // Music
Canada BBB Big Blue Bubble Business // Companies & Corporations
Brazil BBB Big Brother Brasil News & Entertainment // TV & Radio