YMCA Maharashtra English School is a leading English medium school in Pune, Maharashtra. The school syllabus is affiliated with CBSE and imparts education from pr-nursery to Class XII. To get admission into the YMCA, students can submit the online enquiry form or visit the School admission office at YMCA’s Maharashtra English School, Quarter Gate 382, Pune, India. The school has well-qualified teachers and staff members to impart education to its students. Further, it has AC classes, Smart Classes, Well-maintained sanitation facilities, a hostel for girls & boys, a Library/Reading room, cafeteria/canteen, media/Auditorium room, daycare, transportation facilities, elevators, swimming pool. Each classroom is well equipped with CCTV cameras and GPS tracking.
Ans. The address of Y M C A's Maharashtra English School is 382, 383, Rasta Peth, Pune, Maharashtra 411011
Ans. Well if you are living outside India and want to join Y M C A's Maharashtra English School then you can contact them via phone number or email here: Phone: 020 2613 8804, Email:
Ans. Well we can’t mention the fee here as the fee changes from time to time for this you can directly contact the college contact number which is shared above.
Ans. Following documents are required for admission in Y M C A's Maharashtra English School.
Here are some steps you have to follow: